Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”
- John 11:25-26
The death of a member of the Church should be reported as soon as possible to, and arrangements for the funeral should be made in consultation with, the Minister of the Congregation.
Baptized Christians are properly buried from the church. The service should be held at a time when the congregation has opportunity to be present.
The coffin is to be closed before the service, and it remains closed thereafter. It is appropriate that it be covered with a pall or other suitable covering.
If necessary, or if desired, all or part of the service of Committal may be said in the church. If preferred, the Committal service may take place before the service in the church. It may also be used prior to cremation.
A priest normally presides at the service. It is appropriate that the bishop, when present, preside at the Eucharist and pronounce the Commendation.
It is desirable that the Lesson from the Old Testament, and the Epistle, be read by lay persons.
When the services of a priest cannot be obtained, a deacon or lay reader may preside at the service.
At the burial of a child, the passages from Lamentations, I John, and John 6, together with Psalm 23, are recommended.
It is customary that the celebrant meet the body and go before it into the Church or towards the grave.
The anthems at the beginning of the service are sung or said as the body is borne into the church, or during the entrance of the ministers, or by the celebrant standing in the accustomed place.
Why is it essential to plan for life's end?
What does the Episcopal faith say about life after death?
Is it okay to feel grief, even if our faith promises eternal life?
Can funerals be scheduled with the church?
Are there any resources or support systems available for bereaved family members?
How can I get more information or schedule a funeral?